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Image of Luisa De Santi

Luisa De Santi
(Image sourced from Baron di Rondo)

One of my favourite things about writing a wee blog post each day is that it provides me with the excuse to forage for the most interesting and creative people. It is a real luxury and I really love it. Today, I want to share a little of Luisa De Santi and her incredible, colourful and creative crochet. I think her ‘Creatura Vegetale’ (Plant Creatures) work is out of this world.

In some wee corner of my mind, after I’ve attended crochet lessons, I dream I’ll be able to create otherworldly figures like she does. I did say dream…

Image of Luisa De Santi's Creatura Vegetale 03 Rossa

Creatura Vegetale 03 Rossa by Luisa De Santi
(Image sourced from Baron di Rondo)

Image of Luisa De Santi's Creatura Vegetale 04 Verde

Creatura Vegetale 04 Verde by Luisa De Santi
(Image sourced from Baron di Rondo)

Image of Luisa De Santi's Creatura Vegetale Azzurra

Creatura Vegetale 02 Azzurra
(Image sourced from Baron di Rondo)

Image of Luisa De Santi's Creatura Vegetale 01 Verde

Creatura Vegetale 01 Verde by Luisa De Santi
(Image sourced from Baron di Rondo)

Image of Luisa De Santi's Creatura Vegetale 00 Verde

Creatura Vegetale 00 Verde by Luisa De Santi
(Image sourced from Baron di Rondo)

Nicknamed ‘Crochet Doll’, Luisa De Santi originates from Trieste, Italy. She started stitching and crochet at a very early age.

A keen vegan and animal rights advocate, Luisa doesn’t crochet with traditional wool. Her ‘Creatura Vegetale’ creations were born out of a view that the lines between the plant and animal kingdoms are blurrier than we may realise. She likens the pieces to the experience of travelling to a tropical garden. What an imagination!

I know I have one or two readers (!) who are perhaps not so keen on abstract forms. Luisa is also a keen puppet and doll maker, so for you, a couple of images of some of Luisa’s more traditional ‘Bambole Moderne’ (Modern Dolls) pieces.

(I’m pretty sure patterns to the modern Dolls are still available)

Image of Luisa De Santi's Bambole Moderne 1

Bambole Moderne 1
(Image sourced from Baron di Rondo)

Image of Luisa De Santi's Bambole Moderne 2

Bambole Moderne 2 by Luisa De Santi
(Image sourced from Baron di Rondo)

If you would like to know more about Luisa De Santi, she seems to have more than one website. I found the most helpful was this one here.